2 minutes to midnight - an extravaganza

The Love That Heals

Category: Other
City, Country: Napoli, Italy
My artwork, "The Love that Heals " is inspired by the solidarity, coming together, sharing, the act of doing something together. It is important in this period of international lockdown In the period of Quarantine and Covid 19 that there is solidarity among the phrases in different languages to support new rules of life but with the national characteristics of every nation and between past and present.

In Italy in the social centers and some citizens of Naples help the families from the balconies following the example of doctor Saint Giuseppe Moscati in the past and a his famous phrase in his study to raise money for his poor patients: "Who can take, who cannot put." Really these phrase are written also in his memory on the baskets of the Centers Social Technique Description

The Love that Heals :

Dimensions cm 25 x cm 35

Media: mixed/collage digital art, photo printed

Materials: paper, adhesives letters of various type (rubber, metallic, glitters. plastic)

Design created with Adobe Illustrator, glue glitters coloured

Year: 2020

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