2 minutes to midnight - an extravaganza

Love O’Clock

Category: Graphic Design
City, Country: Bilbao, Spain
It is a revealing piece, which claims the importance of time in our lives. A call to stop, analyze and awaken the conscience of the ephemeral measurement of a time that is ours and that never returns.

Alessia et Cetera
Nomadic and creative soul.
From a very young age, my education began on the path of dance and music, a cultural heritage that until today has allowed me to dedicate my life to art and design. I have a degree in scenography from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Rome and subsequently I moved to Bilbao, where I continue to train and work in the audiovisual world, from photography and illustration to post-production and graphic design.
It is with deep love and dedication that I continue to create and share my work with the world.

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